Wednesday, 16 December 2009


Get a Voki now!


Get a Voki now!


Get a Voki now!


Get a Voki now!


Get a Voki now!



Get a Voki now!


Get a Voki now!

Deusto voki

Get a Voki now!


Monday, 14 December 2009

Create a voki

  • Go to and sign in with my log in.
  • Click on My Voki
  • Click on create a Create a New Voki
  • Click on Create New Scene
  • Choose a character
  • Customize your character
  • Give it a voice using the model: "My name is ... (think of a name). They call me .... because (think of a reason). I love ... (think of something your character loves doing). I hate ... (think of something your character hates doing)."
  • Make sure you save your recording
  • Choose a background
  • Choose a player
  • Click on save
  • Choose embed in: Blogger
  • Choose size: small
  • Click on Get Code
  • Copy the code
  • Now create a new posting on the blog
  • Paste the code in the Edit Html window to embed your Voki character in the posting

Get a Voki now!

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Adrian Underhill

Ideas for linking words to use in your summaries

There’s useful information about using linking words in English at these websites:

are women better than men

There's an article about this on the TeachingEnglish website.

Cardiff Thursday

I hope you find this useful.

Maths and English

English and maths

an interesting lecture on pronunciation

Adrian Underhills creates an amusing lecture about pronunciation through gestures and funny comments about the way of people producing the English sounds. On the one hand, I think it´s useful for teachers because pronunciation it´s often seen as a boring task, on the other hand it can motivate both teachers and students to deal with pronunciation.

Ken Robinson on education and creativity

Working with adults, we've noticed they're very often scared of being wrong. That's why they tend to keep quiet rather than risk a mistake. This man can help them turn their fear of failure into thinking they might be creative.
He gets to deliver his talk in an engaging way, where he comes up with all sorts of funny anecdotes and situations. Thus making us reflect on our role as teachers and our approach towards education in the classroom. Furthermore, he challenges us to revise all traditional education conventions and move on to remodel our system for the future

Adrian Underhill

This Underhill guy seems to be very knowledgeable on the topic of pronunciation. However, the presentation seems to be a bit tedious due to the need to mimmick English sounds and the successful realization of them. As teachers, we already know this information, but, nevertheless, for earlier stages, it may prove useful.

How to learn English

I hope you'll find it interesting....

David Crystal on Global English

Why has English become a global language?
Expert David Crystal tells us how English turned out to be a global language taking us through the past four hundred years and mentioning all the different stages. In the end, he says, it was just a matter of English being in the right place at the right time! Can you belive it?
Just listen to it and see- it's a very informative 2-minute social history lesson.

Adrin Underhill pronunciation 2

Her's the video

Marc Prensky question and answer session

Adrian Underhill on pronunciation

New ways of learning and teaching using ICT

Here's a link to the same presentation.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Present a video or other media (e.g. podcast or presentation) that provides an insight on some aspect of English language teaching/ learning.

Have a look at this wiki that has a list of links to sites that relate to teacher training and development.

Visit one or two of the sites, or do a google search, and select a video, podcast or presentation that you think provides an interesting insight on some aspect of language teaching or learning.

Create a post on this blog and insert the media you found in it or make a link to it (don't forget to give your post a title).

Include in your post a summary of what you thought was interesting in the video, podcast or presentation that you found.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

I've managed all right


Hello, everybody.

This is just to say I now belong to this common blog, which I hope we'll find useful.


Once more I try to set up a blog and once more I need Ann's help.I hope to learn how to upload pictures this year. I want to use it in class.Good luck to all!


Hi everyone! Welcome to our class blog! Let's start blogging, then... Enjoy!